Access Keys:

Rosstulla School, Newtownabbey

Online Safety

Rosstulla is very aware of the challenges in keeping children and young people safe online. We want to provide as much support as possible but the key steps are taken at home.

Child Net
Child net - Childnet
works directly with
children and young
people from the ages
of 3-18, as well as
parents, carers,
teachers and
finding out about
their real
experiences online
and the positive
things they are
doing. Childnet's
mission is to work
with others to help
make the internet a
great and safe place
for children
Child net - under 5s
Keeping under 5s
safe online
Family Link
Family link (phones,
tablets - can lock
access to apps but
still use as a
Internet Matters
Guidance on how to
manage parental
controls - specific
steps for all
devices, broadband
networks, gaming
social media
Life 360
Where are they? app
for mobiles

Report Harmful Content
Report Harmful
content If you've
experienced or
witnessed harm
online we can help.
Report Harmful
Content can help you
to report harmful
content online by
providing up to date
information on
community standards
and direct links to
the correct
reporting facilities
across multiple
UK Safer Internet Centre Parent support
Advice and resources
to support you as
you support your
child to use the
internet safely,
responsibly and
The School is not responsible for the content of external Internet sites. We recommend adult supervision for all links to external sites.